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Skull Labs Angel Dust 270g Magno Massacre

Skull Labs Angel Dust 270g

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Skull Labs Angel Dust is a new pre-workout stack that aims to support both the physical and mental aspects of training. The advanced formula of this pre-workout is based on high-quality ingredients with stimulating, pumping and workout endurance enhancing effects, as well as intensifying fat burning.

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Skull Labs Angel Dust 

The action of this pre-workout is based on powerful stimulants such as DMHA and two forms of yohimbine, which accelerate the process of fat loss from the abdominal area, thighs and buttocks. The rich formula contains both stimulants and substances designed to increase nitric oxide production in the body. The addition of citrulline in combination with aacg is designed to maximise vasodilation and provide maximum muscle pump. Arginine has an excellent effect on improving blood supply to muscle tissue. The entire formula has been enriched with ingredients with a nootropic effect, which increase motivation to train, ensure focus and reduce cortisol levels.

Angel Dust is a pre-workout supplement with the following properties :

  • A powerful and effective pre-workout
  • Intense body stimulation
  • Excellent muscle pumping
  • Fast-acting
  • Significant increase in energy levels

Composition of Skull Labs Angel Dust :

Niacin - is extremely important for the proper functioning of the peripheral nervous system. Niacin increases mitochondrial activity. Additionally, it contributes to the maintenance of normal blood cholesterol levels and is involved in the synthesis of sex hormones such as insulin, cortisol and thyroxine.

Beta Alanine - is essential for the production of carnosine and protein-building components that help fight the body's ageing process. This compound supports proper muscle function and development. This amino acid is known to reduce feelings of muscle fatigue, which can help your muscles function better during training. This, in turn, contributes to the growth of muscle mass. Beta-Alanine is particularly helpful during intense workouts of short duration, such as weight training. Some people who take beta-alanine may experience a slight tingling sensation, known as paresthesia. This tingling occurs because beta-alanine dilates the blood vessels, allowing greater delivery of oxygen and blood to the muscles.

Creatine nitrate - acts as a neuromodulator and neurotransmitter responsible for the proper functioning of the immune system and, most importantly for those who are physically active, helps to dilate blood vessels and inhibits platelet aggregation, thus promoting the creation of a muscle-pumping effect during training and improving blood circulation, nutrition and detoxification of the body.

Agmatine sulphate - increases the release of nitric oxide in the human body, which translates into a strong muscle-pumping sensation during training. It dilates blood vessels, promoting the flow of blood and nutrients to working muscles, which significantly speeds up the recovery process and the building of new muscle fibres. Studies using agmatine have shown that its action can promote protein synthesis up to twofold. This is related to both the action of agmatine itself and the improved delivery of nutrients to muscle tissues.

Arginine AKG - is involved in the production of nitric oxide and therefore shows the ability to dilate blood vessels, leading to better blood supply to muscles and soft tissues. It is indirectly involved in the synthesis of cGMP, which, together with ATP, influences muscle contraction and has an anabolic effect.

Citrulline Malate - is a combination of the amino acid citrulline with malic acid. Although citrulline does not build muscle, it plays an important biological role by participating in the urea cycle. During metabolism, citrulline neutralises toxic ammonia. Citrulline malate increases the production of nitric oxide, which in turn increases blood flow to the muscles during training and causes a feeling of muscle tone.

Beta-phenylethylamine - is a natural organic chemical compound found in chocolate, among other things, and synthesised by the human body from the amino acid L-phenylalanine. As a neurotransmitter and neuromodulator, it affects the nervous system by increasing dopamine and noradrenaline.

Choline bitartartrate - is choline dihydrate. Choline is essential for the proper functioning and structure of every cell in our body. It is found in the body in the form of compounds called phospholipids, and the best known of these and found in the greatest quantity is lecithin. Phospholipids have many functions in the body, building cell membranes and acting as messengers in the nervous system (probably involved in memory processes).

Caffeine Anhydrous - is a form of caffeine that is an organic chemical compound. It blocks adenosine receptors in the brain, leading to a reduction in feelings of fatigue during training. It has a thermogenic effect, effectively accelerates fat burning and improves metabolism.

Eria Jarensis extract - contains the active ingredient N-Phenyldimethylamine, a substance that acts similarly to phenylethylamine (PEA). Unlike PEA, it lasts longer because it is not broken down as quickly by monoamine oxidase. It causes an increase in dopamine levels, leading to a characteristic improvement in mood, greater energy, improved concentration and motivation.

2-Aminoisoheptane (DMHA) - is a stimulant compound also known by other names such as 2-aminoisoheptane or octodrine. DMHA relaxes the bronchi, improving our aerobic endurance. It also exhibits a constrictive effect (constricts blood vessels, increasing oxygen flow), without causing a 'stupor' while enhancing our senses.

Higenamine - is an alkaloid mainly extracted from the seeds of the nutmeg lotus (Nelumbo Nucfera), and is also found in smaller amounts in coffee.

N-Methyl L-Tyramine - is a compound extracted from bitter orange fruit or barley. N-Methyl-tyramine (NMT) is made by adding a 'methyl' group to the well-known biogenic amine, L-Tyramine. It is not a synthetic ingredient. Plants can actually produce NMT using the enzyme tyramine n-methyltransferase. Extracting NMT from plants is cheaper than synthetically producing NMT. Its action is through the stimulation of beta receptors, which play an important role in fat burning. In addition, the compound has anabolic effects, increases blood flow to the muscles and improves the efficiency of the cells in burning glucose. Another important benefit is improved brain function - it increases neurotransmitters, allowing for faster thinking and split-second reactions.

GABA, or γ-aminobutyric acid - is an organic chemical compound belonging to the amino acid group, which acts as the main inhibitory neurotransmitter throughout the nervous system. It not only has an effect on muscle development, but also facilitates sleep, relieves anxiety symptoms and relaxes and calms. GABA influences the nervous system by raising the excitability threshold of nerve cells and thereby reducing their sensitivity to stimuli. It has a relaxing and calming effect and, by increasing the release of endorphins, generally improves mood and well-being.

Yohimbe Bark root extract - this substance is helpful in combating resistant fatty tissue, which is most often accumulated around the chest and lower waist in men and the hips, buttocks and thighs in women. Yohimbine works by blocking α2-type receptors, which greatly facilitates the weight loss process and is helpful in shaping hard-to-reach areas of the body. It is worth remembering that yohimbine effectively nullifies the effect of insulin. Therefore, taking this substance near meals rich in carbohydrates is pointless. Yohimbine is particularly effective when taken on an empty stomach before exercise.

Rauwolfia Vomitoria root extract - exhibits antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and carbohydrate-insulin metabolism-supporting properties. In addition, it inhibits cancerous processes and improves mental condition.

Dosage :

Before training, consume one scoop - 30 minutes beforehand.


 The product (substance) is not a food or dietary supplement. Keep out of the reach of children. Keep container tightly closed. Store in a dry, cool, shaded place; protect from moisture. Store only in original container. Avoid contact during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Consult a doctor if you feel unwell or have adverse reactions related to contact with the substance.

Product composition Skull Labs Angel Dust 270g

Specific References

Calculator for measuring research doses

Tip: 1 MG = 1000 MCG

Syringe Capacity
Number of Units on the Syringe
Amount of Peptide in the Vial
Expected Peptide Dose per Serving
Amount of Liquid (water/saline) added to the peptide vial

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