Metabolic Nutrition Synedrex 60 caps.

Metabolic Nutrition Synedrex 60 caps.

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Synedrex fat burner is currently one of the most popular and effective burners available on the market.Created by doctors, it is designed for people who aim to lose weight,reduce body fat and increase energy levels in a quick and simple way.

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Metabolic Nutrition Synedrex 

Discover new levels of energy with Synedrex Metabolic Nutrition's fat burning supplement. This unique product withcontains a powerful dose of active ingredients in one specially formulated capsule that releases energy for up to 12 hours. In addition to providing an intense injection of unprecedented energy, this product effectively deals with appetite problems and snacking. It is a worthy successor to the legendary Meridia.

Benefits of using the product :

  • Categorically reduces appetite
  • Increases energy levels and burns difficult fat
  • Prevents the re-deposition of fat
  • Works for up to 12 hours!
  • Just one capsule a day is enough to burn fat effectively
  • Radically speeds up the metabolism

Metabolic Nutrition Synedrex is undoubtedly the most effective appetite suppressant with powerful thermogenic effects and high energy levels for hours. This revolutionary fat burner also offers a unique4-step metabolism transformation. By acting on the four areas affecting metabolic rate, Synedrex turnsslow metabolism into a healthy fast metabolism from years ago.

Effectiveness :

The mechanism of action of this supplement has been laboratory developed based on research carried out by an experienced team of nutritionists and technical experts working for Metabolic Nutrition. The effectiveness of this product has been confirmed through multiple experimental and clinical trials, as well as positive feedback from both competitive athletes and other users, which is widely reported on various online sports forums.

How Synedrex works :

The action of Synedrex is based on a similar principle to the popular Sibutramine (however, without the side effects). By inhibiting the reuptake of monoamines, it contributes to an increased feeling of satiety after a meal (stimulating the satiety centre and inhibiting the hunger centre in the hypothalamus). In addition, it leads to an increase in thermogenesis, which, together with the feeling of satiety after a meal, translates intoweight reduction through the reduction of body tissue and adipose tissue, especially visceral fat.

The Sedrex Scalener has a multidirectional effect which is why it is so effective. Thanks to the carefully selected proportions of the ingredients, they act synergistically to enhance the effect, rather than blocking each other, as is the case with other rich formulations that are not equally effective. Metabolic Nutrition's uncompromising approach has resulted in a product containing the main components that induce powerful thermogenesis and significantly accelerate the weight loss process.

Product composition :

Caffeine - The best of the natural thermogenic substances. Stimulates the breakdown of body fat, while supporting muscles by increasing their performance and accelerating recovery.

Dopamine - is responsible for mood enhancement, so Eria Jarensis extract provides feelings of euphoria while reducing feelings of anxiety. In addition, dopamine and noradrenaline are linked to increased mental alertness and concentration.

Paradoxine - is an extract that acts as an agonist on TRPV1 receptors and stimulates the production of adrenaline and noradrenaline. It promotes lipolysis by releasing energy substrates needed to maintain muscle function during exercise. By intensifying the degradation of accumulated adipose tissue, it enhances the effects of thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue. In addition, it supports an appropriate hormonal environment by increasing testosterone synthesis and has an anti-estrogenic effect, helping to shape the correct body composition. By strongly stimulating TRPV1 and TRPA1 receptors, it reduces the activity of these receptors, leading to a reduction in perceived pain.

Bitter Orange - (standardised to synephrine, acetopamine, n-methyltyramine) - Synephrine is considered a safe alternative to ephedrine due to its similarity and documented properties of stimulating the central nervous system and accelerating blood circulation and improving aerobic capacity.

Huperzine A - inhibits acetylcholinesterase, allowing acetylcholine to act longer and more potently. It is one of the most impressive alkaloids used to improve memory capacity. Huperzine A is valued as a substance in the group of brain function enhancers. It helps to achieve maximum focus in practically any situation, especially with intensive mental work, studies or exams. Unlike many other brain stimulants, its effectiveness does not diminish over time, so we can benefit from huperzine supplementation for a long time. The natural source of this substance is the pitchfork plant Huperzia Serrata, and its properties are also used to alleviate the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and to support memory recovery by increasing the amount of acetylcholine available. A study on a group of young people showed significant improvements in mental performance in those who took small doses of Huperzine A - this translated into better academic performance. 

Naringin - regulates metabolic processes by increasing cellular sensitivity to insulin. It has strong detoxifying properties and helps lower harmful lipid fractions.

L-Dopa - contains a key precursor for the most important neurotransmitter essential for the proper functioning of our mind. It has a broad spectrum of action confirmed by scientific research. L-dopa is formed through the action of tyrosine hydroxylase and is a natural amino acid. In addition to the significant increase in dopamine, L-dopa is also used in medicine for its properties to improve memory and concentration and to benefit sexual function by increasing libido and intensifying sexual sensations.

Product dosage :

One capsule should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach. Avoid exceeding the recommended dose.

Calculator for measuring research doses

Tip: 1 MG = 1000 MCG

Syringe Capacity
Number of Units on the Syringe
Amount of Peptide in the Vial
Expected Peptide Dose per Serving
Amount of Liquid (water/saline) added to the peptide vial

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